Prof. Mao Kezhi(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) has confirmed to be keynote speaker!

日期:2018-03-14 点击量:  2603次


Dr. Mao obtained his BEng, MEng and PhD from Jinan University, Northeastern University, and University of Sheffield in 1989, 1992 and 1998 respectively. Since obatining his PhD, he has been working at School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, where he is an Associate Professor. Dr. Mao has over 20 years of experience in artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data/text analytics, natural language processing, and information fusion. He has published about 100 scientific papers in the field, and has successfully developed and delivered several intelligent systems and tools to government agencies and industries. Besides research and development work, Dr. Mao has been conducting consultancy work and training courses in the field. His research interests include Machine Learning, Deep Learning for Big Data, Information Fusion, Image/Video Analytics and Scene Understanding, Knowledge Extraction and Discovery.

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