日期:2019-02-25 点击量: 1115次
A.Prof. Xiumei Tian, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Guangzhou Medical University, China (click)
Research Area: Preclinical research of multi-functional nanoprobes for molecular imaging
Research Experience:
I have acquired by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81771891, 81271622), and the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China (No. 2014M552182).
Articles were published in scientific journals ( Biomaterials, Nanoscale,Scientific Reports,International Journal of Nanomedicine,International Journal of Molecular Sciences and so on).
Guangzhou Medical University, China,2012-present
Post-Doctor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering
SunYat-sen University, China, 2010-2012
Doctor at the SunYat-sen University Cancer Center
Jiamusi university,China,1996-2004
The master of science at biochemistry department, and the bachelor of clinical medicine at the clinical department.
1) Yuan-zhi Shao #, Xiu-mei Tian #, Wenyong Hu, ZHANG Yongyu, Huan Liu, Haoqiang He, Yingying Shen, Fukang XIE, LI Li*.The Properties of Gd2O3-assembled Silica Nanocomposite Targeted Nanoprobes and their Application in MRI. Biomaterials, 2012.33:438-6446. (IF:8.312)
2)Xiumei Tian , Yuanzhi Shao , Haoqiang He , Huan Liu , Yingying Shen , Wenlin Huang and Li Li . Nanoamplifiers Synthesized from Gadolinium and Gold Nanocomposites for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Nanoscale, 2013.5: 3322-3329. (JCR一区,IF:7.367)
3) Xiao J#, Tian XM#, Yang C, Liu P, Luo NQ, Liang Y, Li HB, Chen DH, Wang CX, Li L, Yang GW. Ultrahigh relaxivity and safe probes of manganese oxide nanoparticles for in vivo imaging. Scientific Reports,2013. 3:3424. (共同第一作者) (JCR二区,IF:4.259)