日期:2019-04-10 点击量: 1252次
Dr. Fatimah Al Zahrah Mohd Saat, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia (click)
Research Area: Thermal-fluids, CFD, heat transfer, thermoacoustics, porous media
Research Experience:
Fatimah Al Zahrah Mohd Saat is a senior lecturer at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FKM) Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). She is a graduate member of Board of Engineers, Malaysia (Reg. No. 52355R ). As a lecturer, she teaches subjects related to thermal-fluid field (CFD, Fluid Dynamics, Heat transfer) for undergraduate as well as postgraduate programmes. She is also actively involved in research. Research involvements started with investigations in the subject of material sciences since 2004 and later investigations are more devoted into waste-to-wealth related technologies. Her current research interest is related to experimental thermal-fluid measurements, CFD, porous media and thermoacoustics (a principle of science that can produce power generator or a cooler based on the thermodynamics counterparts of the acoustical waves and with the use of appropriate structure of materials as the generator). She is also involved in several consultation works related to heat transfer and CFD. This includes the participation as a trainer for heat transfer module for Samsung, Malaysia and numerical heat transfer works for a company known as Composites Technology Research Malaysia (CTRM). At the university, various experimental works (thermal-fluids and thermal properties of materials) as well as CFD works are currently being conducted for fluid dynamics and heat transfer studies for thermoacoustic systems. Details about current research works and publication could be found in the personal webpage.