日期:2019-04-11 点击量: 933次
A.Prof. Ong Pauline, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia (click)
Research Area:
Artificial neural networks; computer vision; metaheuristic algorithm
Research Experience:
A. Book/Research Book/Monograph/PhD Theses
1. Ong, KM, Ong, P. and Sia, CK. (2018). Optimization of the angle of twist of propeller using modified flower pollination algorithm, Handbook of Research on Predictive Modeling and Optimization Methods in Science and Engineering, 1st Edition, IGI Global (ISBN - 9781522547662)(Book Chapter)
2. Ong, P. , Chin, DDVS., Ho, CS and Ng, CH. (2018). Metaheuristic Approaches for Extrusion Manufacturing Process: Utilization of Flower Pollination Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization, Handbook of Research on Applied Optimization Methodologies in Manufacturing Systems, 1st Edition, IGI Global (Book Chapter)
3. Ong, P., Siswanto, WA. And Jamian, S. (2017). Teaching and Learning Modules BDA34003 Engineering Mathematics IV, 1st Edition, UTHM Publisher. (Learning Module)
B. International Journal
1. Low, ES, Ong, P. and Cheah, KC. (2019). Solving the optimal path planning of a mobile robot using improved Q-learning. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 115, 143-161. (ISI Indexed – Impact Factor: 2.638)
2. Ong, P, Ho, CS, Chin, DDVS, Sia, CK, Ng, CH, Md Said, W, and Bala, AS. (2019). Diameter prediction and optimization of hot extrusion-synthesized polypropylene filament using statistical and soft computing techniques. Journal of Intelligent Manucfacturing, 30(4), 1957-1972. (ISI Indexed – Impact Factor: 3.035)
3. Narsullah, R., Ong, P, Ibrahim, M, Wan Daud, WR, and Zainuddin, Z. (Accepted for Publication). Modeling of acetosolv pulping of oil palm fronds using response surface methodogy and wavelet neural networks. Cellulose. (ISI Indexed – Impact Factor: 3.809)